
Stay in touch with us

    Head Office

    The board office can be found at
    ul. Zaczerlańska 17,
    16-070 Choroszcz

    Contact details


    ul. Zaczerlańska 17,16-070 Choroszcz

    KRS 0000067352,

    NIP 542-021-22-20

    Company entered into the National Court Register in Białystok, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register Under KRS number 0000067352, ( TAX numebr) NIP 542-021-22-20 Capital amount 760,000 PLN

    Nasze oddziały

    Central Branch

    ul. Zaczerlańska 17,
    16-070 Choroszcz

    West Branch

    ul. Wrzesińska 174
    62-020 Swarzędz

    South Branch

    ul. Lwowska 38
    40-397 Katowice
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