Romanian Wharf , Gdynia

Oddział Zachód

The Romanian wharf in Gdynia is a chest quay built in the 1930s. Due to the fact that the old structure and technical condition did not allow the full utilization of the quay’s handling potential, it was rebuilt on a section of 356 meters.
The works covered the underwater and above waterfront of the Quay. For the construction of aquatic elements, a universal wall formwork Logo from the Rosewood offer was used. In contrast, the Mammut wall formwork system was used to rebuild the underwater part of the Riverfront. The Mammut formwork sheathing, made entirely of plastic, is resistant to water – also salt water, chemistry and UV radiation. These parameters are important in the construction of hydrotechnical facilities, where the formwork has direct contact with water; there is no need to replace the plating after each use of the formwork, which translates directly into a reduction in construction costs.